



Arthur Brisbane寫過十條指南,指引在職新聞記者《怎麼當一名更出色的記者》(How to Be a Better Reporter)。指南第一條要求記者看得清楚,寫得簡明(see a thing clearly and describe it simply)。第二條要求記者記得請不起公司律師而買得起一份報紙的大眾:報人忠於貧窮讀者,律師忠於富裕顧客,有些報老闆忘了這一點,一富有就忘了貧窮的滋味(Keep in mind the great crowd that cannot afford to hire a corporation lawyer, but can afford a three-cent newspaper. Every newspaper mhttps://read.99csw.coman owes to his poorest reader the loyalty that a great lawyer owes to his richest client. Some newspaper owners forget that, especially after they become rich, and no longer remember how it feels to be poor).第三條提醒記者寫稿要讓讀者讀來歷歷如親眼目睹(Write so that the reader will say, "I feel as though I had actually SEEN what the newspaper describes")。第四條說採訪不忘拍照;一張好照片勝過寫一千字,況且這是影象的時代(In re九*九*藏*書porting, don't forget to bring back PICTURES. One good picture tells more than a thousand words, and this is the picture age)。第五條勸記者寫淺白簡明的文字。不怕重用同一個字、同一個詞:切忌忽「馬」忽「駿」,忽「狗」忽「犬」,忽用「老鼠」忽用「耗子」(Don't be afraid to use the same word twice. Don't write "horse", then "equine", or "dog", then "canine", or "rat", then "rodent")。忌寫花哨文章。文字越簡明越有力。自然的風格是最好的風格(Avoid fancy writing. The most powerful worhttps://read•99csw.comds are simplest.)。文字最好寫得讀來出眾聽來悅耳,忌用擬聲詞(Make your writing striking, and musical, if you can. don't try for onomatopoeia)。
第六條鼓勵記者天天養腦如養身。好報人博讀群書好過暴飲暴食。職業拳師不能靠十年前吃的牛扒打贏今日的對手。報人二十年前的思想救不了近火。多讀多想。吸收新知(Feed your mind as you feed your body, EVERY day. Feed your body less, and your mind more, if you want to be a good newspaper man. A prizefighter can't fight on the beefsteak he ate ten years ago. Neread.99csw.comwspaper men can't do good work on the THINKING of twenty years ago. READ AND THINK. Keep your mind open to new ideas)。嘔心瀝血。鍊石補天。記者不熱衷工作,讀者反應必冷(Write with difficulty. "Work,as nature works,in fire." was Dante's advice quoted by D Annunzip. If you do not burn as you work, readers will be cold as they read)。第七條勸記者多讀佳作,一生讀莎翁。莎翁是太平洋,其他文學作品是五大湖(Read as much as you can of the best writers, and read Shakepeare九_九_藏_書 all through life. Compared to the rest of literature, he is like the Pacific Ocean compared to the chain of Great Lakes)。第八條依然要記者多讀書,讀前人之信仰與事蹟。讀經典名著。讀古書,看古人的寫作技巧。第九條說出更多必讀作家的大名,然後回頭重讀莎翁。第十條教記者學會刪改潤飾自己的原稿:刪掉「非常」;盡量刪掉形容詞。記住法國人的至理名言:「形容詞是名詞的敵人」(Learn to edit your copy. Strike out "very" always. Strike out most of your adjectives, remembering the wise Frenchmen's remark: "The adjective is the enemy of the noun.")。