The Two Sayings

The Two Sayings

By help of having loved a little and mourned,
Two savings of the Holy Scriptures beat
Full many a sobbing face thread.99csw.comat drops its best
Gods fellowship as if on heavenly seat.
Like pulses in the Churchs brow and breas九九藏書t;
Which HE, who could not sin yet suffered, turned
On him who could reject but not sustain !
And one is wher九-九-藏-書e the Christ, denied and scorned
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
That look of sovran love and sovran read.99csw.compain
And, heart deep in salt-tears, do yet entreat
LOOKED UPON PETER. Oh, to render plain
And sweetest waters on the read•99csw•comrecord sweet:
The first is JESUS WEPT,--whereon is prest
The Two Sayings
And by them we find rest in our unrest