

埃及(Egypt)是非洲國家。但她伸了一隻胳臂到亞洲,這胳臂就是西奈半島(Sinai)。胳肢窩(armpit)那裡開了條塊100 miles長的蘇伊士運河(the Suez Canal)。蘇伊士運河縮短了從英國到印度的距離,縮短6000 miles。
If the father of our country, George Washington, was Tutankhamen tomorrow, and, after being aroused from his tomb, was told that the American people today spend two billion dollars yearly on bathing material, he would say,「What gotem so dirty?」
埃及有全世界最長的河尼羅河(Nile River),埃及為了利用尼羅河,自一九六○年起用十億美金蓋了大水庫,叫阿斯旺水庫(阿斯旺壩The Aswan High Dam)(台灣的石門水庫只是一億美金),有了阿斯旺水庫,會使尼羅河的水存起來。但這樣一來,許多埃及的古迹都要被淹,尤其是有名的四千年前的大廟阿布辛拜勒(Abu Simbel)。於是進行搶救,全世界五十個國家捐了一千七百萬美金救它,救的方法是朝上搬家。於是,這座待在那兒四千年的大廟,就被鋸成一塊一塊的,用起重機搬了家。
後來Oedipus猜出來了。(SPHINX, in Greek mythology, a winged monster with the body of a lion and the head and breast of a woman. According to the myth, the Sph九-九-藏-書inx destroyed the passersby from the Greek city of Thebes when they failed to guess her riddle:「What is four-footed in the morning, two-footed at noon, three-footed in the evening?」Oedipus solved the riddle by replying:「Man, who in childhood creeps on hands and knees, in manhood walks erect, and in old age uses a staff.」The Sphinx, hearing this, threw herself from a rock and perished, and Oedipus thus became the liberator ofread.99csw.com Thebes and was made its king.)
爸 爸
這個大廟裡面的名堂很多,設計奇特。每年有兩次,陽光照進法老石像的臉上。大廟外面這四個大石像也都是這法老,這法老叫Ramesses II(Ramses II, Ramesses II),在位時間是公元前十三世紀(reigned 1290-1224 B. C.),他把他自己做成四胞胎,替自己的廟守門,他老傢伙誰也不信,只信自己。四千年前,他把古人忙得臭死;四千年後,他又把今人忙得臭死,他真有辦法,他真行。
埃及的首都是開羅(Cairo),已經有一三三五年歷史(A. D. 640年就有了)。
金字塔前面的獅身人面像,叫Sphinx(the 「Strangler」)。最有名的Sphinx故事是叫人猜謎語的故事。
蘇伊士運河挖了十年才挖成,現在已經一○六歲了。挖它的人是法國外交家李希普(De Les九九藏書seps),他在六十四歲那年挖成。他有挖運河的癮,又去挖巴拿馬運河(the Panama Canal),結果公司倒閉,差點坐牢,因為他八十四歲了,所以免了。
法老們不用金字塔以後,開始在地底下挖墳。一九二二年,考古學家Howard Carter(an English archaeologist, specialized in excavating ancient Egyptian tombs)挖到了小法老Tutankhamen的墳——三三○○年前的寶貝全部出土。小法老十八歲就死了,裝在金棺材里,棺材蓋是用金子做的小法老的全身雕像。墳共有四個房間,在中挖成的,裏面寶貝多極了,琳琅滿目。(Good gems fill the eyes, a vast array of beautiful and fine things.)小法老Tutankhamen的名字,在三三○○年後,名聞全世界。Will Rogers(爸爸跟你談過的美國牛仔哲學家,印地安祖先)甚至把Tutankhamen九*九*藏*書這個名詞(noun)當動詞(verb)來用。他說:
Cairo bazaars很有名,bazaar是東方的小工藝品商店(1. In the East, an exchange, market place, or assemblage of shops, 市場、商場(東方的)。2. A spacious hall or suite of rooms for the sale of goods, as at a fair, 百貨商場。also, a fair for the sale of fancy wares, toys, etc. commonly for a charitable object, 又指售賣珍玩以充善舉的市場)。
金字塔要四十萬人蓋二十年。古時候人對修墳可真有耐心,小文你記得爸爸跟你談過的印度那座大墳Taj Mahal嗎?那墳也蓋了二十多年才蓋好。