

小孩子剛學說話,最先發的音也就是最容易發的音就是「爸」、「爹」、「媽」這些音,中外都是一樣的。英文Pa或Papa或Dad或Daddy都是「父親」(Father)的意思,但比Father親熱得多。所以你以後寫信,不要寫Dear Father而該寫Dear Dad,我附一封英文給爸爸信的樣本在下面:
June 10
「Thatll do fine to start on,」Davie said, and grinned up at her.「You sure can sling a wicked waffle, Mom.」
Dear Dad,
Davie was next down.「Morning, Mother. Morning, Dad.」he said with that deference that comes on a sixteen-year-old when he has something to ask for, something he wants much.
As our I 1-year-old daughters birthday approached, she let it be known thhttps://read.99csw.comat the thing she wanted most, was an automatic record player. We agreed to give it to her on condition that she promise to take good care of it. She promised, of course. But we had no idea how serious she was until one day when my wife was tidying her room she found a list of rules headed:「How To Take Care of My Record Player.」
The rules included such things as九_九_藏_書 keeping the machine clean, caring for the needle and so on. But the clincher was the last rule of all. It read:「If record player gets broke, dont let Daddy try to fix it.」
Love, and thank you for the wonderful trip and for the flowers.
Like father, like son.(有其父必有其子,子必肖其父,虎父無犬子,什麼樣的爸爸什麼樣的兒子。)
「Herere your waffles, Davie,」his mother said. 「Four.」
爸 爸
The flowers are beautiful! Mother and I will enjoy them at our table for several days, I know. Everything is so new and so exciting. I hear九-九-藏-書d several French Canadians singing their songs as they stood on the stern waving to some friends on the dock. It is like a foreign land already. Im all anticipation for the summer to come. I only wish you could be with us.
Like mother, like daughter.(也是一樣的意思。)
「長服爹爹」(Daddy long legs)不是人,是一種不咬人的蜘蛛,也叫「收割者」(harvestman),在動物學上,翻作「盲蜘蛛」。它的腿,可以說丟就丟,遇到危險,它就丟個腿騙敵人,敵人注意到腿,它就趁機跑了。(壁虎也有這種本領,不過壁虎丟的是尾巴。)