

對Galileo在science方面的conclusion是——c. 1600 Galileo emphasized the mathematical interpretation of experiments in science. He discovered many important physical laws.
但是哈維發現了。哈維也指出過Aristotle的錯誤,但對Aristotle的敬愛並不因而減少。哈維有一個大闊佬病人,也是他的好朋友,就是當時英國的皇帝King Charles I。後來Charles I倒台,在Oxford地方哈維的許多稿本都被反對皇帝的人destroyed了,Their loss caused him great sorrow.
他「認錯」以後,偷偷在一個朋友耳邊說:「但它(地球)還在動啊!」Yet it does move!(Epur si muove!)
In 1705 Newton was knighted by Queen Anne. 所以他名字前面有Sir.就是爵士。熱門音樂中文也翻成爵士,但那是jazz的譯音,並不真的是爵士,並且亂扭亂唱,一點也不爵士。
柏拉圖 亞里士多德 亞歷山大
ROYAL SOCIETY is the oldest scientific society in the world and probably the most famous. The full title of the organization is The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. It grew out of weekly meetings which London scientists held as early as 1645. In 1660, the society was officially organized with the approval of King Charles II.(就是Charles I的兒子。)
①Newton discovered that sunlight is a mixture of light of all colors. He passed a beam of sunlight through a glass prism and studied the colors that were produced.(By passing a beam of sunlight through a prism, Newton showed that white light is made up of the rainbows colors.)
(Alexander Pope:Epigram on Sir Isaac Newton)
Newton的成績,英國詩人Alexander Pope有兩句詩描寫得最好:
對Boylehttps://read•99csw•com在science方面的conclusion是——1660s Robert Boyle applied the scientific method to chemistry.
對Aristotle在science方面的conclusion是——300s B.C. Aristotles studies in logic and classification contributed to the foundations of science.
第六個科學家——愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein),活了七十六歲。
God said, Let Newton be!and all was light.
To myself seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
While Aristotle was a biologist of note, even if we allow for some rather peculiar lapses, his views on physics and astronomy were hopelessly muddled. Plato, combining the Milesian and Pythagorean traditions, had been much nearer the mark, and so were later Hellenistic scientists like Aristarchus and Eratosthenes. Aristotles most famous contribution to systematic thought is probably his work in logic.
Einstein的新學說是「相對論」(the Theory of Relativity),使Newton的學說一部分動搖。
Galileo的頭腦比時代新,所以老是倒霉。這叫「生不逢辰」(born at a wrong time;luckless;unlucky)。
Aristotle的真正貢獻,chief contribution是他把學問造成一個「繼往開來」(to carry on the heritage so as to pave the way for future generations)的局面,使人類愛真理(truread.99csw.comth)。
Galileo又印了一本書,說太陽不動,動的是地球,於是,惹起公憤,雖然他對了。——但別人都錯的時候,他一個人對沒有用,他被抓到「宗教裁判所」,宗教法庭(Inquisition)。Inquisition動不動就把人燒死,因為Galileo是大學者,又太老了(七十歲),又有點後台(有貴人保護),又「認錯」,於是「優待」,改判為「終身軟禁」(permanent house arrest)。House arrest, a form of arrest in which a person is confined under guard in his own house:Authorities insisted no one had been jailed but said some strikers were under house arrest.(Tuscaloosa News)
第二個科學家——伽利略(Galileo),活了七十八歲。Galileo was the first great experimenter and the father of modern astronomy. He was also an outstanding mathematician. Galileo說
第四個科學家——波義爾(Robert Boyle),活了六十四歲。
第五個科學家——牛頓(Isaac Newton),活了八十五歲。
Aristotle的學問很大,是哲學家,也是教育家(educator),也是科學家(scientist),他在科學方面的著作有logic、physics、natural history、psychology……但他究竟是兩千三百年前的人,他的科學有很多錯誤,比如他認為地球是宇宙中心,太陽星星繞地球轉,這是錯的;他認為月亮表面是光滑的,自己發光,這是錯的;他認為同時下落,重的東西比輕的東西先著地,這是錯的;他認為男人的牙比女人多,這也是錯的,這大概是Mrs. Aristotle的牙掉了的緣故!
中文有句成語叫「周而復始」(to repeat the cycle all over again)血在人身體里就是周而復始的。發現這一現象很不容易。
Aristotle在他的Ethica(ethics倫理學)中表示他愛老師Plato,但是更愛真理。在中國也有這種看法,叫「當仁不讓于師」。(to yield to nobody when one is doing what is right;do not refuse to accept a reward or position which one deserves;to be behind none in the desire to benefit mankind.)Aristotle differhttps://read.99csw•comed from Plato both in the aims of his philosophy and in the methods of his investigation. In his Ethica he states that, while both Plato and truth are dear to him, he is bound to prefer truth.
Galileo死在年頭,Newton生在年尾。他們都沒結婚,但Galileo有兩個女兒一個兒子。Galileo的一些觀察是錯的,他雖然把球從斜塔朝下丟,但並沒發現落體的真正速度,也沒成立定律(law),直到Newton出來,才完成了這一解釋。牛頓是個「遺腹子」(an infant born after the death of its father;a posthumous child),從小媽媽不在身邊,跟姥姥長大,他從小就喜歡科學。
②He made great discoveries in the field of mathematics. He is credited with inventing integral and differential calculus.(微積分)
對Newton在science方面的conclusion是——1687 Sir Isaac Newton published the Principia, which summarized basic of mechanics. Newton formulated the laws of gravitation and motion and contributed greatly to the theories of light and optical science.
英國最有名,也是世界最有名的學術團體——皇家學會(the Royal Society)創辦的時候,本來要請Boyel做會長,但因為他在religion方面的原因不願宣誓,所以沒做。(While at Oxford he was the leader of a group of scientists known as the Invisible College, which in 1663 was incorporated as the Royal Society of London. Although Boyle was invited to be president of this organization in 1680, he refused because he had relihttps://read.99csw.comgious scruples against taking an oath. Boyle was deeply religious. At Geneva he had been under strong Calvinist influence which deeply impressed him and gave his life a serious character.)
③He was the first to state the laws of gravitation.
Albert Einstein, the German-American physicist, rejected Newtons explanation of universal gravitation but not the fact of its operation. He said that his own work would have been impossible without Newtons discoveries. He also said that the concepts Newton developed 「are even today still guiding our thinking in physics」.
Nature and Natures laws lay hid in night:
對William Harvey在science方面的conclusion是——1628 William Harvey published his theory on the circulation of the blood.
他被關在家裡,大詩人John Milton(當時三十歲),到Italy旅行,到Galileo家裡拜訪,Galileo已經瞎了,真巧,十四年後,Milton也瞎了。
對Einstein在science方面的conclusion是——1905 Albert Einstein presented his Special Theory of Relativity. Einstein developed the theory of relativity which revised older theories of time and space, and led to the use of atomic power.
公元前五到四世紀的時候,有四個人有師生關係,並且都是大名人,前三個人都是哲學家(philosophers),最後一個是東征西討的皇帝Alexander the Great。
波義爾是哲學家、物理學家、化學家(Boyel was a philosopher, a physicist and a chemist),「the father of modern chemistry」。
In 1662, the society was formally incorporated by charter of 九*九*藏*書Charles II as the Royal Society of London for Promoting Natural Knowledge, or, as it is popularly known, the Royal Society. From its earliest years, the Society maintained correspondence with Continental philosophers, and selections from this correspondence became the world-famous Philosophical Transactions. Sir Isaac Newton was the Societys president from 1703 until his death in 1727. In the approximately 300 years of its existence, the Society has sponsored numerous scientific expeditions and extensive research, including, in recent years, a notable series of investigations of tropical diseases.
人類能夠利用原子能(atomic power),就是從Einstein來的,沒有Einstein,就沒有原子彈(atomic bomb)用來war,也沒有原子能用來peaceful uses。
爸 爸
Aristotle認為重東西先落地,不對,他跑上比薩斜塔(the Leaning Tower of Pisa),拿兩個不同重量的球實驗,結果證明Aristotle錯了。——但別人都錯的時候,他一個人對沒有用,他被大學趕走了。
Socrates Plato Aristotle Alexander
Socrates greatest pupil Platos greatest pupil Aristotles greatest pupil
Galileo死的那年(Jan.8, 1642),就是Newton生的那年(Dec.25, 1642)。
第三個科學家——哈維(William Harvey),活了七十九歲。
John Milton, an English poet and political writer, wrote one of the worlds greatest epics, Paradise Lost.(一六六七)He composed this famous epic and two other works, Paradise Regained(一六七一)and Samson Agonistes(一六七一), when he was totally blind. Milton